I can support you on this journey in a number of ways. Whether it be providing a space to make sense of your experiences, using compassion focussed therapy to help you bring kindness and compassion to yourself during this difficult time, or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing sessions to help you process the traumas you have experienced, I am here to help.
I believe the most important thing for parents who have lost a baby, is a space for them to be completely honest about how they are feeling. I draw on Compassion Focussed Therapy to help you bring warmth and compassion to your experience. I also provide the option of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing sessions to help you process the understandable trauma you have experienced, and to help you move towards the future you hope for.
Experiencing perinatal trauma can lead to sadness, isolation and anger at a time when people say you should be at your happiness. I have three evidence-based practices - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Compassion Focussed Therapy – that help you process your perinatal trauma, and bring compassion to your experience, so you can move forward without it impacting you or your parenting.
I believe that what is best for parents and their baby is the right choice, rather than having a one size fits all approach to feeding like “breast is best”. However, I understand that this does not always take away the felt experience of guilt, loss and shame that can come with making a different choice. That is where I come in. I can support you to bring kindness and compassion to your feelings around your feeding journey, and to help you understand the feelings of loss you are experiencing.
I want to tell you it is okay. It is okay if you do not love the newborn phase, or the crawling phase and so on. It is okay if you feel trapped as a parent, or if you feel frustrated, angry, and resentful at times. This is all understandable. Using Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), alongside other approaches, I am committed to helping parents understand their feelings towards parenting, to take time, and to be kind and compassionate towards themselves during this immensely intense time.
I have a number of approaches I can draw on to support you in your relationship with your child; Circle of Security Parenting, Video Interactive Guidance, Watch, Wait and Wonder, Parent Infant Psychotherapy informed sessions, and Compassion Focused Therapy. I will support you to understand why you are struggling to bond with your child, and to bring compassion and kindness to these struggles. I will look at ways you can gradually work towards the relationship you want, so you can become the parent you want to be.
Our past experiences impact our relationships with our children. Maybe its that you swore you would parent your children differently but you struggle not to fall into the same traps as your parents. Or maybe its that you realise certain areas of your child’s behaviour really push your buttons but you are unsure why. Here at GLB Psychology I can provide a safe, non-judgmental space to help you explore the impact of the past on your present, in order to help you move towards the parent you want to be.
Here at GLB Psychology, I understand how hard it can be to talk about worrying, or intrusive thoughts, but you do not have to struggle alone. Using approaches such as Compassion Focused Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I can help you understand why you may have developed these worries and behaviours, what keeps them going, and how to gradually challenge them, so you can start to be the parent you want to be.
Perinatal depression can make everyday feel like an uphill battle but things can get better. Here at GLB Psychology I have a number of approaches that can help: Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT), Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Video Interactive Guidance (VIG) to name a few. We can work together to develop an understanding of your current difficulties and to compassionately build up your resources so you can work towards the life you want.
Parenting is so difficult. It’s one of the most important things we will do in our lives and yet it comes with no formal training or support. You don’t have to struggle alone. Using evidence-based approaches such as Circle of Security Parenting, Video Interactive Guidance, and Compassion Focused Therapy, I can help develop your understanding of what your child needs. I can support you to learn why you may struggle with certain elements of their behaviour, and strategies to help you feel more sturdy in your role as a parent.
The fertility journey and parenting transitions can strain even the strongest bonds, often leading partners to withdraw when connection matters most. Using Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, I create a safe space for you to rebuild connection and face challenges together.
Seeing your loved one struggle with their emotional wellbeing can feel overwhelming and isolating. I offer a compassionate space where you can process your own emotions and develop ways to care for yourself.
If you don’t feel you fit into any of the above categories, please feel free to get in touch with me to discuss your concerns and see how we can help.
Whether you are looking for a few sessions of input or longer-term psychological support - I can help. I know how hard it can be to take the first steps towards seeking support, which is why I want to make it as easy as possible for you with the following steps:
Don't face the challenges of fertility and parenthood alone. Reach out to GLB Psychology for compassionate, expert support, tailored to your needs. Contact me today and start your journey.
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Dr.grace@glbpsychology.co.uk | Chichester