Bonding difficulties are not a commonly discussed issue, however they are much more common than people think. The problem is that people fear judgement and criticism if they open up about their difficulties in bonding, and so they do not realise that others struggle too.
This also impacts their ability to seek help. It may be that you did not want to have a child, that you are struggling to bond with your baby during pregnancy, that you were looking forward to your child’s arrival and you just did not feel how you expected when they arrived, or that you had stronger feelings towards their older sibling, either way, we can help. From people who feel hatred towards their child, to people who feel nothing, we have heard it before and, more importantly, we have helped a great deal of parents who have had similar issues.
Here at GLB Psychology, I have a number of approaches I can draw on to support you in your relationship with your child; Circle of Security Parenting, Video Interactive Guidance, Watch, Wait and Wonder, Parent Infant Psychotherapy and Compassion Focused Therapy.
Using a combination of these approaches I will support you to understand why you are struggling to bond with your child, and to bring compassion and kindness to these struggles. I will look at ways you can gradually work towards the relationship you want, so you can become the parent you want to be.
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